Terms of Service

By using the Ping Timeout application you agreen to the following terms. If you do not agree to the described terms you should immediately stop using this application.

1. You may use this app for non-comercial purposes. Generating any profits with the help of this app is forbidden.
2. Do not break the discord TOS or laws of the country the app owner is location in (the Netherlands).
3. Puprosefully trying to break or misuese this app it is forbidden.
4. The owner of the app may stop supporting the app at any point in time with any reason.
5. The owner of the app is not responible if a 3rd party misuses the app.
6. You may be blocked from using this app for any reason. Possible reasons are but not limited to: spreading hate speech and using it to scam others.

By using this app, you acknowledges that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Breaking any of these conditions will result in you being prohibited from using the app and in severe cases may result in legal action. For any more information please join the support server.

Privacy Policy

By using the Ping Timeout application you acknowledge the following privacy statements:

1. Stored and collected data: The app stores raw data regarding to guild Id's, role Id's, usage statistics of monitored roles and guild related settings. Besides that the app saves data like the user and guild Id when creating a bug report for trouble shooting reasons for this purpose executed application (slash) commands are also recorded and may contain a userId, guildId, roleId and permissions.
2. By removing the app from your server (guild) you also delete all stored role data, usage statistics and guild settings. Bug report and application (slash) command data will not be removed.
3. You the server owner may request a full removal of data related to your server.

For any more information please join the support server.